The Science Fiction Foundation thrives with the goodwill and support of its membership. Members can include individuals, associations and academic institutions. Because we are a registered charity, we have a series of competitive rates to meet your individual or institiutional needs. Membership grants you attendance and voting rights at our annual AGM, where you can question the committee and contribute to the future direction of the SFF. In return, you will receive a yearly subscription to our journal (two copies per year) at no extra charge. Your subscriptions are highly valued - not only do they cover the cost of the journal, they also contribute to the up-keep of the SFF Collection in addition to all the other educational and outreach work that we do. We are grateful to our members and value their support.
Our annual AGM, run in recent years with the BSFA's annual AGM, takes the form of a mini-convention. We have at least one Guest of Honour per year from the worlds of science and science fiction. Please see a list of our previous GoHs here.
The membership rates for 2025 are given below:
INDIVIDUALS (inc. two numbers of the journal per year)
UK £28.00
Europe £30.00
Rest of the World £36.50 / $55.00 (USA)
Student discount (proof needed) £16.00 / $27.50 (USA)
INSTITUTION (inc. two numbers of the journal per year)
Anywhere £55.00 / $93.00 (USA)
Airmail Surcharge £12.00 / $17.50 (USA)
To pay via PayPal in pounds sterling click here:
To pay via PayPal in US Dollars click here:
Or, in case of difficulties, at the following PayPal address:
As a registered charity (No. 1041052), the SFF will be further helped if members, who are also UK taxpayers, Gift Aid their payments. You will not incur any further expense but we will receive an extra 25%. If subscribing through PayPal, please download and submit our Gift Aid declaration. You can also declare your student status with this form.
If you would prefer to pay by cheque, please print off the membership form available here.
Individual copies of Foundation (including back issues) can be purchased for £9.00/issue. Please contact the Membership Secretary, Roger Robinson, at
Please give generously towards the work that SF Foundation does. The SFF Collection is particularly interested in filling its gaps of (especially but not solely):
First editions of British science fiction novels and collections.
Books which have won or been shortlisted for the field’s major awards.
Biographical/bibliographical/critical works on science fiction and fantasy.
DVDs of the major sf films/tv series.
We are also trying to fill gaps in our runs of sf magazines and the major fanzines in the field.
We do not, unfortunately, have the capacity to collect artworks.
We rely entirely on the generosity of publishers, writers and fans, and our consultancy work, for money to spend on adding to the Collection. We welcome donations of material on the basis that saleable duplicates may be sold or traded to enable us to acquire other items we need, or (if in better condition) release copies in poor condition: for example, although we have full runs of many magazines, the condition of our early pulps is increasingly fragile. Consequently, we ask potential donors to contact the SFF librarian if they are unsure whether we already have the material they would like to give us. In such circumstances, we may pass on material to other collections.
If you are an author of science fiction, or sf-related scholarship, we would be very grateful if you or your publisher would donate a copy of each new book of yours to the SFF library. If you publish in the field, whether as a fiction publisher or as a convention organiser, again, your donations would be extremely welcome.
Please note that financial donations also help us to buy material and, importantly, enable us to purchase preservation and storage materials, especially for our growing magazine collection. If you want to support the preservation of our sf heritage as part of a last will and testament, please consult our example of a bequest.